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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • NY State has outlined criteria defining who is considered impacted and who is not considered impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic at
    • Impacted Students are those students who are deemed by their college to be unable to complete courses for the term or earn fewer credits than
    required by award programs due to COVID-19, regardless of where or how, including:
    • Students who came in contact or became sick with the virus or served as the primary care taker of someone who was sick with
    • Students enrolled in or who were supposed to begin travel-abroad experiences and were either called back to the U.S. or were not able to begin
    • Students who were impacted by emergency closures or temporary campus closures in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19
    • Students who met full-time study requirements, but because of COVID-19, have fallen below the credit requirements.
    • This may include,
    • Students who do not have the means to continue coursework in their homes and could not complete classes that transitioned to online
    • Students who could not earn their term credits because they were enrolled in a course that was cancelled because it could not transition
    to online instruction.
    • Students who were unable to complete student teaching assignments due to school closures and were unable to earn their term credits
    • Students who were unable to complete credit-bearing internships due to closures under NY Pause and no alternative coursework could
    be offered by your college
    • Students impacted by other related emergency events implemented in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Unimpacted Students are those who successfully complete all credits for the term, even if impacted by COVID-19.

Students who meet the above definition of impacted student should speak with the TAP officer at their college for more information. The student will likely need to complete the COVID-19 Financial Aid Documentation Form to document their circumstances

The college is responsible for making the determination that the student is considered impacted by COVID-19 and implementing for performing any overrides as appropriate.