Hostos Athletics, Recreation & Intramural Sports
The Department of Athletics, Recreation, and Intramural Sports at Hostos Community College recognizes that participation in recreation, intramural sports, and on an intercollegiate athletic team is an integral part of the educational process. The philosophy of the Department emphasizes that genuine learning begins with the experience of each student. The athletic and recreational sports program will:
Prepare to assist student-athletes in attaining educational goals.
Recruit quality student-athletes who will contribute to the overall success of the College.
Offer broad-based and diverse programs to meet the needs of the student population.
Provide experienced athletic staff with opportunities for professional development.
Assure compliance with all of its conference and NJCAA regulations.
Foster an environment of cooperation, courtesy, and fair play.
Contribute to campus life and community spirit.
The Athletic Department currently sponsors eight intercollegiate varsity teams, including Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Women’s Volleyball, Men’s Track & Field, Women’s Track & Field, Men’s Cross Country, Women’s Cross Country, and Co-ed Esports. Student-athletes have the opportunity to conceptualize and perform proper movements, refine motor skills, and understand and appreciate the value of teamwork. Opportunities are provided for student-athletes to understand rules, respect authority, and model behaviors that are consistent with being a good leader and teammate.
The Department of Athletics, Recreation, and Intramural Sports at Hostos Community College provides competitive opportunities that will contribute to the physical, social, mental, and emotional well-being of our students. We are dedicated to assisting student-athletes in achieving balance and intellectual success in an environment that fosters cooperation, leadership, and commitment. Hostos Athletics adheres strictly to the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) code, as well as the City University of New York Athletic Conference (CUNYAC), whereby student participation in intercollegiate athletics is an avocation. Athletics programs foster the physical and educational well-being of student-athletes at all times, reflecting the highest standards of dignity and honor that characterize participation in competitive sports in a collegiate setting.
The Athletic Department offers a comprehensive recreation and intramural sports program with a variety of opportunities for constituents to participate, either individually or as part of a team. We strive to create an environment that fosters health, wellness, and sportsmanship in a structured or unstructured format. Participation in recreational sports activities leads to enhanced social skills, higher self-esteem, and increased self-awareness, tolerance, and self-control. The Aquatic and Fitness Centers as well as the Dance Studio and Gymnasium are quality facilities that have an outstanding staff and an environment conducive to the enrichment of community life on campus.
At Hostos Community College, the Athletics Department is committed to ensuring that student-athletes reach their academic potential. The Athletic & Academic Commitment to Excellence (A.A.C.E.) program is created to assist student-athletes in successfully transitioning from high school through college and onto graduation. Through the A.A.C.E. program, the Athletic Department provides an array of academic support services designed to facilitate the development of student-athletes into independent, self-reliant college students while monitoring the student-athletes academic progress. Student-athletes currently have opportunities to access various services that will assist them in understanding their strengths, interests, and values while enhancing their study, decision-making, and time-management skills. The Athletics Department assists each student-athlete in developing an educational plan while providing and explaining information to navigate campus resources, institutional policies, regulations, and procedures.
For more information, contact:
Brent Wilson, Director of Athletics, Recreation & Intramurals
Building C, 3rd Floor
Telephone: (718) 664-2748