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Study Abroad Programs / Professional Development

Study Abroad / Professional Development Programs provide opportunities for CUNY students, faculty, staff and other educators to increase their understanding of the history, culture, educational system, and the language of other communities and countries throughout the world. In addition to creating an institutional environment that promotes respect for cultural and linguistic differences, these programs cultivate skills that prepare participants to compete in the global economy and create the landscape for sensitivity and tolerance of diverse cultural traditions as it elevates knowledge and awareness of this. For more than 3 decades, Hostos has collaborated in a series of very successful study abroad/academic exchange / professional Development programs with institutions of higher education in the Hispanic Caribbean and various European countries.

The Hostos Study Abroad/ Professional Development programs are scheduled from three to four weeks in duration. Locally, pre-lectures and orientations take place at the college prior to departure, as required by the University to prepare the students for the overseas experience. At host institutions, from Monday through Friday, there are four hours of classroom lectures in the morning, and supplementary educational and cultural experiences are provided in the afternoon; including field trips to historical sites on Saturdays. The classes feature lectures by distinguished scholars from the host university. The supplementary experiences include visits to artists’ studios, museums, historical sites, and other places of interest. These field trips enable students to adapt quickly to the language and culture of the host country and support their research and classroom learning. Cultural enrichment activities also contribute significantly to the academic experience. For example: Pre-departure field trips/visits to New York City Public Schools, Catholic Charities Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center, CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library/ Archives are included as part of the course. The curricula focus on the most relevant aspects of the history, art, culture and education of these communities, and their place in the Hispanic Caribbean. In the Dominican Republic, students visit the National Palace and meet some of the most notable intellectuals, scholars, and artist of the country. The course is also designed to provide insight into the American educational system through comparative analysis of a foreign educational system from the perspective of social, cultural, political, economic, and religious contexts.

Each course is part of the college’s curriculum and has been ratified by the college’s governance structures. Participants register for credit-bearing courses, or professional development certificate hours and attend classes at the host institution. The following are examples of typical courses offered in study abroad programs: History, Culture, Art and Education of the Dominican Republic and Beginning / Intermediate Spanish for Non-native Speakers. Highlights of the programs include lectures by renowned scholars and original study abroad documentaries about Dominican identity, culture, and history. Students who express interest in conducting research receive instruction and participate in projects under the supervision of faculty members and experts in the field. Their findings are published and disseminated at conferences, seminars, and cultural enrichment activities.

Throughout the years, Study Abroad / Professional Development Programs have flourished as these have established a remarkable record of success at Hostos, as indicated by the 100% retention and passing rates among program participants. Program

participants have always rated the study abroad program as excellent. Program Participants completion and passing rates for 1999-2019 data show 100%.

For further information, please contact:

Ana I. Garcia Reyes Associate Dean for Community Relations and Director of Professional Development Programs - Room- A126-C


Office Assistant Gerson Peǹƒa Email:

Phone: 718-664-2753