Other Grades
AUD – Audit:
Matriculated and Non-Degree students may audit a course on a seat availability basis.
Students are cautioned to consider the effect of auditing a class that is required for their major or is a pre/co-requisite of another course. Auditors will be charged full tuition and required fees.
Audited courses cannot be used to qualify for full-time or part-time status, financial aid, veteran's benefits, or foreign student status. No credit will be given and a grade of ‘AUD’ will be recorded. ‘AUD’ grades cannot be changed to any other grade.
To audit a course a student must:
Obtain written permission from the Academic Department’s Chairperson or Unit Coordinator.
Provide Registrar's Office with written approval declaring auditor status no later than the last day of the Add/Drop period; filing dates are posted each semester and are also printed in the Academic Calendar.
Audit status cannot be changed to credit status nor can credit status be changed to audit status after the last day of the Add/Drop period; filing dates are posted each semester and are also printed in the Academic Calendar.
INC - Incomplete:
This grade indicates that the objectives of a course have not been completed for good and sufficient reasons and that there is a reasonable expectation that the student can, in fact, successfully complete the requirements of the course. The instructor, in consultation with the student, may grant an INC if the student has met the instructor’s requirements for the course, completed most of the coursework, and have a passing semester average. Whether or not the student is registered at Hostos, the INC becomes a FIN grade if the missing coursework is not completed by the last day of classes of the semester immediately following the semester in which the INC grade was assigned; refer to the Academic Calendar for dates and times.
The FIN grade is punitive and is computed into the GPA as an F.
Students should not re-enroll for the same course while the INC grade is pending.
Under no circumstances does an INC grade indicate that a student has satisfied the pre-requisite or corequisite of any requisite course.
FIN - Failure due to Incomplete (punitive): A grade that is given when an "Incomplete" grade lapses to an ‘F’ grade. Failure to complete requirements of a course by the last day of classes of the semester immediately following the semester in which the INC was assigned results in a ‘FIN’ grade, effective Spring 1998.
NC – No Credit: A grade assigned to regular or compensatory courses.
NP – Not Passed: A grade assigned to remedial courses or workshops, effective FALL 2014.
P – Pass: A grade assigned to SSD 100 (Freshman Orientation), and all remedial courses or workshops.
R – Repeat (non-punitive): Given in courses designed as developmental (remedial courses with credit and excess hours) and remedial courses (with no credit) or workshops.
An "R" grade is given when a student has not reached a minimal level of proficiency for the course and must repeat the course. (Restricted to noncredit, remedial, developmental courses, or workshops).
The "R" grade is considered a non-punitive grade and is not included in the computation of the GPA. It is given one time only per course, except in the case of ESL 91 or ENG 91, which may be given twice.
Students who take ENG 92 Spring 2003 and thereafter may receive an "R" grade twice. As of Spring 2012, ESL 92 students may receive an “R” grade twice. After that, a student who does not pass will receive an F.
S – Satisfactory: A grade assigned to remedial courses or workshops, effective FALL 2013.
W – Withdrawal without penalty (non-punitive): This grade indicates that a student has officially withdrawn from the course, until the end of the 60% Period of the term.
WA – Administrative Withdrawal (non-punitive): All students born on or after January 1, 1957, whether degree or non-degree, who register for six or more credits/billable equivalent credits are required to demonstrate proof of immunization for measles, mumps, and rubella.
A non-punitive administrative grade will be given to students who are excluded from classes for reasons of non-compliance with the New York State Immunization Law (PHL 2165).
WD – Withdrawn, Dropped (non-punitive): This grade indicates that a student has officially withdrawn from the course during the second or third week of classes.
WN – Withdrawn, Never Attended (punitive): Effective Fall 2008 through the Summer 2009 semester; this grade is included in the computation of the GPA and counts as a failure (F).
*WN – Withdrawn, Never Attended (non-punitive): Effective Fall 2009 through Spring 2012, this grade is not included in the computation of the GPA.
WN – Withdrawn, Never Attended (non-punitive): Effective Summer 2012; this grade is not included in the computation of the GPA.
WU – Unofficial Withdrawal (punitive): Unofficial Withdrawal and/or Excessive Absences; the grade is assigned to students who attended a minimum of one class, completely stopped attending at any time before final exam week and did not officially withdraw. Replaces NC grades assigned prior to 1980. This grade is included in the computation of the GPA and counts as a failure (F).
WU – Unofficial Withdrawal (non-punitive): Effective Fall 2021, this grade is not included in the computation of the GPA.
Z - Grade: An administrative grade that is issued when no final grade is submitted by an Instructor of Record for a course and/or workshop. (Effective Spring 2018 the grade has been withdrawn).