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Public Safety Policies & Procedures

Mission Statement
The City University of New York Public Safety Service is dedicated to providing excellence in protection and service to the University community. As law enforcement officers, we shall continuously endeavor to ensure a safe and secure environment conducive to a positive social and educational process. This mission is exemplified by our departmental motto.

Service, Integrity and Pride
At Hostos Community College, the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff is always at the top of our agenda. However, a truly safe campus can only be achieved through the cooperation of all students, faculty, and staff. This information is a part of our effort to ensure that our collaborative endeavor is effective. We hope that you will read it carefully and use the information to help foster a safe environment for yourself and others on campus.

Current Campus Policies Regarding Procedures For Students And Others Reporting Criminal Actions Or Other Emergencies On Campus

The Public Safety Department encourages the reporting of all criminal activity or medical emergencies occurring on campus. Reporting of criminal actions and other emergencies can be done by contacting the Department of Public Safety in person, by calling (718) 518-6888, or by dialing 6911 from any campus extension. While it is highly recommended that all criminal activity be reported to the Public Safety Department on campus first, reports can also be made to the New York City Police Department by dialing 911. Please bear in mind that you must first dial (9) to get an outside line from college phones, before dialing 911 for the New York City Police Department. Acts, that do not constitute a crime-e.g., smoking on the premises or failing to display an I.D. card when asked by a college official-will be handled administratively. An incident report will be written and will be sent to the appropriate Vice President.

Hostos Community College Public Safety Department is located in the 450 Grand Concourse building, also known as the East Academic Complex, Room C-030, on the Anthony Griffith (B) level. The department is responsible for 24-hour protection of all persons and property on the college grounds. The department of Public Safety consists of a Director of Public Safety, 2 Lieutenants / Assistant Directors,6 Sergeants, 1 Corporal, 2 Specialists, 23 Peace Officers, 13 College Security Assistants, 1 Locksmiths, and a full-time Secretary.

All campus public safety officers are service-oriented, law enforcement security professionals trained to handle security and safety matters on campus. Several members of the public safety department are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillator operations. All public safety personnel carry two-way radios and flashlight and wear distinctive uniforms.

Campus Peace Officers are sworn Peace Officers and have arrest powers granted to them by the Police Commissioner of the City of New York. Campus Peace Officers are designated as New York City Special Patrolmen/Peace Officers in accordance with Section 2.10 subsection 27 of the New York State Criminal Procedure Law.

College Security Assistants are defined as security guards in accordance with Article 7A of the Central Business Law. These officers do not have arrest powers above that of a private citizen.

Public Safety Protection Services Escort Service
Escorts to subway stations, bus stops, or vehicles within the vicinity of the campus perimeter are provided by the Department of Public Safety to anyone leaving the campus, especially during the late evening and hours of darkness.

Filing of Orders of Protection
The Department of Public Safety receives and files Orders of Protection brought in by any member of the College community. The information in the Orders of Protection, along with any other additional information, is provided to all Public Safety personnel in order to prevent and reduce the possibilities of a violation of such orders. Anyone in violation of an Order of Protection on campus will be arrested.

Lost and Found
The Department of Public Safety secures items found or turned over to the office or our personnel. Anyone who loses anything on campus may stop by Room C-030 and check with the office staff. Identification is required when recovering a lost item. All lost or recovered items will be kept for one semester. Weapons and illegal contraband are immediately vouchered with the New York City Police Department.

Lost ID’s
Students/Faculty/Staff who lose their Hostos I.D. card must go to the Bursar’s Office, present their current Bursar enrollment receipt or proof of employment at the college and pay a $10.00 replacement fee. The paid lost fee receipt must be taken to the Public Safety ID room (BC-042-A) and presented to the ID Machine Operator for issuance of a replacement. Students/Faculty/Staff who report their ID being stolen can get a replacement for free if they produce a NYPD Police Report.


Hostos Community College’s main campus grounds, the contiguous geographic perimeter of the main campus and the parking areas are patrolled on a 24-hour basis by Public Safety Officers. Public Safety Officers are sworn law enforcement / NYS Peace Officers under Criminal Procedure Law 2.10 subsection 79 and have the power to make arrests, issues criminal court summonses and conduct criminal investigations. The Hostos Community College Department of Public Safety is responsible for investigating all crimes and incidents that occur on campus. Incidents of a criminal nature that are reported to a Campus Peace Officer are at times referred via the complainant to the NYPD. The department currently consists of a Chief / Director, 2 Lieutenants, 2 Specialists, 6 Sergeants, 1 Corporal and 24 Patrol Officers. All are sworn NYS Peace Officers. Additionally, the college employs 13 Campus Security Assistants. At any given time, contract security officers may be used to fill vacancies. Campus Security Assistants and contract security officers are licensed New York State Security Guards and do not have arrest powers (outside of the powers of a private citizen).

Public Safety Escort
The Department of Public Safety provides safety escorts to any member of the college community who requests such an escort. Escorts are provided within the geographical confines of the institution. Escorts provided outside the confines require approval from the Public Safety Director.

Closed Circuit Television
The Public Safety Department uses closed circuit television cameras in order to enhance campus safety in and around the buildings. These cameras are routinely monitored by members of the department and are set up to record 24 hours a day. The viewing camera patrol is primarily used to ensure that there are no criminal or unsafe activities occurring on the campus interior or exterior, to protect entrances and exits and to dispatch Public Safety personnel to possible emergency situations or unlawful activities. The college also has a fire alarm response system in each building which is monitored by an off-campus 24 hour monitoring service.

Public Address System
A Public Address System is available in the C-450, A-475, B-500, and D-120 buildings. Announcements can be made from each respective lobby as well as the public safety dispatch center.

Emergency Phones
There are several telephones located on the exterior of campus buildings that may be used to report emergencies.

Off Campus Residence/ Organizations
Hostos Community College does not have any off campus officially recognized student organization(s) nor are there any residential or dormitory housing facilities on the campus.

Crimes and Safety Hazard Monitoring
Information about off-campus crimes, health hazards and other potential safety hazards that may impact upon the general welfare of the college community is often disseminated by the public safety department via college email and posted on the public safety website. This information is obtained from the local precincts that patrol the perimeter of the campus and Bronx Community Board # 1 as well as various other local governmental agencies and organizations. The local police precinct that is responsible for the compiling and analyzing of related crimes statistics is the 40th Police Precinct, located at 257 Alexander Avenue, Bronx, New York 10454. Bronx Community Board #1 is located at 3024 Third Avenue Bronx, New York 10455.

The City University of New York which includes Hostos Community College has a Memorandum of Understanding with the NYPD which covers emergencies, non- emergencies and investigative responses by the NYPD. In accordance with this MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the NYPD and the City University of New York dated March 6, 1992, New York City Police officers are not to enter City University property in non-emergency responses unless it has been requested or approved by a College official authorized to make such a request. While the authority of police officers entering the campus on an emergency basis is recognized, the University recommends that police officers notify the designated college officials and/or their designees whenever they must enter university property.