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Bursar Tuition & Fees

New York City Residents

New York City Residents, Undergraduate (includes students enrolled prior to 6/1/92, or enrolled as first time freshmen or non-CUNY transfer students from semester or sessions beginning on or after 6/1/92).


Full-time (per semester) ............................................$2400.00

Part-time (per billable equivalent credit)........... . $210.00

Undergraduate (all others):

Non-degree: (per billable equivalent credit)..... .$265.00

Senior citizen fee (per semester or session)......... $65.00

All Students: (including non-degree and senior citizens)

Consolidated Services Fee: (per semester or session).... $15.00

 Non- City Residents & Foreign Students

Undergraduate (includes students enrolled prior to 6/1/92, or enrolled as first time freshmen, or non-CUNY transfer students for semesters or

sessions beginning on or after 6/1/92). 


Full-time (per billable equivalent credit)........... $320.00

Part-time (per billable equivalent credit).......... $320.00

Undergraduate (all others):

Non-degree: (per billable equivalent credit).... $420.00

All Students: (including non-degree and senior citizens)

Consolidated Services Fee: (per semester or session).... $15.00

Qualifying for the Community College Resident Tuition Rate 

This section describes the requirements necessary for consideration as a resident student and the documentation necessary to prove residency. 

Residency Verification Process - A community college student may qualify for the resident tuition rate if he or she meets both of the following considerations: 

a. Continuously maintained his or her principal place of abode in the State of New York for a period of twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes. (A student who has attended a high school in New York City or State for the two semesters immediately prior to the first day of classes satisfies this condition). 

b. Students who are disabled as defined by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are attending part-time (at least 3 academic credits per semester or the equivalent) can be certified for part-time TAP award for any approved term. 

c. Continuously maintained his or her principal place of abode in the City of New York for at least the last six months immediately preceding the first day of classes. (A student who has attended a high school in New York City in the semester immediately prior to the first day of classes satisfies this condition).

 Special Situation

County charge backs at community colleges:

Community colleges require as a condition for registration, that every New York State resident who resides out­side of New York City present a certificate of residence issued no earlier than two months prior to the first day of classes and no later than 30 days after the start of the semester in question. The certificate would be brought to the Business office for processing and adjustment. The certificate is valid for a period of one year. In the event the county of residence declines to issue the certificate on the basis that the student is not a county resident, the student may appeal to the New York Secretary of State. 

Students verifying residency must complete the City University Residency Form. The form is distributed at the Admissions & Recruitment Office, B-Building Room 103. No Residency Form will be accepted after the end of the semester for which the student is applying for a determination.

A full-time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for 12 credits, or billable equivalent, or more.  Student taking in excess of 18 billable units will be charge at the per unit rate for each additional units. 

A part-time student is one who is enrolled for fewer than 12 credits or billable equivalent.  

The tuition fee rate to be charged shall be determined by a student's status as a full-time or part-time student and his or her residency and degree status. 

The schedule of tuition fees shall apply to all scheduled sessions, regardless of duration, subject to such special tuition fee rates as may be established by the Board.

A child of a member of the permanent staff of the Board, or a child of a deceased or retired member of such staff, who has served for more than five years on an annual salary, or a child of an employee of the City of New York or of a city agency who is required to live outside the City of New York in the performance of official duties, shall be charged resident rates. 

The resident rate shall be applicable to a student of another college or university that grants exchange resident rates to a student of a college within The City University of New York. Evidence of satisfactory educational qualifications must be presented and the approval of the President of such college within the City University is required.

 Special Fees for all Students, Matriculated & Non-Matriculated

 Application for Admission (non-refundable)

Freshman............................................................ $65.00

Transfer Students ........................................... $70.00

Student Activities Fee

Fall/Spring Semester:

Full-time ............................................................. $84.75

Part-time............................................................. $41.00

Summer Session:

Each Session...................................................... $41.00

Technology Fee

Fall /Spring Semester

Full-time........................................................... $125.00

Part-time............................................................. $62.50

Summer Session:

Each Session ..................................................... $62.50

University Student Senate Fee …......……..…$1.45

Consolidated Service Fee............................. $15.00

Transcripts ............................................................ $7.00

 (No charge for transcripts sent to a CUNY college)

Late Registration .............................................. $25.00

Change of Program.......................................... $18.00

Duplicate of ID Photo Card or other

college record.................................................... $10.00

Readmission ....................................................... $20.00

Nonpayment Service Fee............................... $15.00

Returned Check Processing Fee................. $20.00

Special Examinations

First ......................................................................... $15.00

Each Additional .................................................... $5.00

Senior Citizens Fee............................................ $65.00

Cooperating Teachers...................................... $25.00

Duplicate Diploma ........................................... $15.00 

Student Notification Regarding Payment of Collection Costs

If you do not make full payment on your tuition and fees and other college bills and your account is sent to a collection agency, you will be responsible for all collection costs, including agency fees, attorney fees and court costs, in addition to whatever amounts you owe the college. In addition, non-payment or a default judgment against your account may be reported to a credit bureau and reflected in your credit report. 

Refunds for Tuition

All refunds of the tuition charges appearing in the college’s catalog, as well as registration material, regardless of whether paid by cash or money order, are subject to the Refund Entitlement Schedules established by The City University of New York Board of Trustees. Any refunds due are also subject to the review by the College of all stu­dent accounts. Authorized refunds will be returned to students in the form of a check at the completion of such review.

 Other Refunds:

·         Official withdrawal from other than summer session courses before the scheduled opening date of the session: 100%

·         Official withdrawal within one week after scheduled opening date of the session: 75%

·         Official withdrawal during second week after scheduled opening date of the session: 50%

·         Official withdrawal during third week after scheduled opening date of the session: 25%

·         Official withdrawal after completion of third week after scheduled opening date of the session: None

 Please note:

a. These percentages apply to the Fall & Spring semesters only. For summer sessions, please refer to the registration calendar contained in the schedule of classes, and/or the College website for refund information.

b. As per CUNY policy students withdrawing during the first three weeks (before the census date) are not entitled to financial aid.

 c. All tuition and fee schedules are necessarily subject to change without notice, at any time, upon action by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York, regardless of its tuition and fees schedules in effect at the time of registration. 

 Information on any such changes can be obtained in the Office of the Registrar, the Bursar, the Dean of Students, and Hostos website.