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Policy on Academic Standards

Probation, Dismissal, Appeals, Readmission Academic Standards and Satisfactory Academic Progress

The following table indicates the minimum cumulative index (Grade Point Average) that must be earned at specific levels of credits attempted and the satisfactory rate of progress expected in each block of credits attempted:

Students who have fewer than 25 credits must meet the cumulative GPA standards stated below:

  • Students will automatically be placed on probation the semester their cumulative GPA is equal to or below the standard for the number of credits attempted. A Registration HOLD will be placed in CUNY First.

  • Students on probation will automatically be dismissed if their second/probation semester cumulative GPA continues below the standard for the number of credits attempted.

  • Students on probation who achieve a semester GPA at or above satisfactory progress level will automatically remain on probation but are not subject to dismissal.

policy acad standards

  • Students who have 25 or more credits must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.

  • Students will automatically be placed on probation the semester their cumulative GPA is equal to or less than 1.999.

  • Students on probation will automatically be dismissed if their second/probation semester cumulative GPA is less than or equal to 1.999.

  • Students on probation who achieve a semester GPA of 2.01 or above will automatically remain on probation but are not subject to dismissal.

Reinstatement for Students Subject to Dismissal:

Students who are dismissed due to unsatisfactory academic progress may appeal their status during the appropriate time period to the Academic Standards Committee through the Office of the Dean of Students. Students who have been academically dismissed and are seeking reinstatement from a leave of absence must first schedule an appointment with an appeal representative for a mandatory orientation session. Upon completion of the orientation session, a student may submit an appeal to the Office of the Dean of Students. Appeals must be submitted no later than 14 days prior to the first day of registration.